31 December 2021

A to Z poetry challenge 2021 - Z


only once
in my lifetime
have I made a friend
who has stuck
through all the years
from my twenties
til now in my late fifties
she has been there
through my marriage
my sickness
my childlessness
my healing
my child-fulness
my parenting
our travels
to different homes
across the world
our friendship
has waxed and waned
with contact
and less contact
but always 
we right ourselves
and get back on track
something calls us
to each other
currently it is on Zoom
we connect
once a month or so
telling tidbits of life
laughing a lot
sharing our sense of humour
our memories
fizzing across the ether
to each other
a miracle

A to Z poetry challenge 2021 - Y


daily I do
downward dog
from my palace
in the skies
glimpsing enlightenment
while upside down
feeling my spirit soar
sharing a lifeline
with my yoga buddy
across the sea

A to Z poetry challenge 2021 - X


every day
give or take a few
I pour out my day
to my friend
in email
and every day
minus one or two
she shares hers
right back to me
what a delight
to give and receive
this steadfast intimacy
these tiny X-rays
of love

A to Z poetry challenge 2021 - W


feeling the peace
of the morning
I snuggle here
on my deck
rainy streets below
cars swishing by
aware of the oscillation 
of life
give and take
the breathing, if you will
as we all exchange gases
and molecules vibrate
their way around
and through us
as the mist suddenly
floats past 
I feel pleasure
at the non black and whiteness
the flow
the relaxation of hard goals
and dead lines
of wiggle room
sitting here on my balcony
wobbly at the centre

18 December 2021

A to Z poetry challenge 2021 - V


glancing down
from my balcony
in the sky
I notice the local swans
on our lake
with their tiny babies
floating, softly
like dots on the water
perilous place
between land and sky
and I sense the delicacy
and wonderment of life
and how vulnerable 
we all are who are living
every breath
a gift

14 December 2021

A to Z poetry challenge 2021 - U

the more I live
the more I feel
somehow I was given 
the wrong instructions
or I’m holding the map
the wrong way up
but maybe that’s the joy
to view the world
topsy turvy
as a child
upside down
looking through their legs
grinning at the daisies

10 December 2021

A to Z poetry challenge 2021 - T


like a pressure
to my back
I push myself faster
but time seems shorter
and I seem clumsier
to take a breath
I discover
everything gets done 
that needs to be done
and time seems to expand
to fit

7 December 2021

A to Z poetry challenge 2021 - S


pleasing others
has become a habit
a lifetime’s work
of which I am proud
I like those around me
to be happy
but I do notice
I have neglected
to get to know myself
and tend to deny
my own desires

at the end
all the rest fades away
and I will be alone
with self
maybe it’s time
to meet me