14 January 2015

BeautyScope 192: Legume ultrasound

foetal pea-in-a-pod
nestled gently on
its silky pillow


  1. It looks like a face of an alien to me! :) Such a beautiful, unusual color - did you tweak it in Photoshop or such, or it's natural, or a trick of light, or..?

  2. Oh wow, this is so very cool! I love the word legume. It reminds me of years ago when I was sent to the local grocer during a dinner gathering for legumes. I was hanging out with a bunch of vegetarians and I knew nothing about the language, or have ever been much of a cook anyway. I was too embarrassed to admit I didn't know what a legume was! And it was years before internet so there was no way I could duck into an aisle and do a google search.

  3. Yes, this is very cool, and very surreal, which I like. Mind your legumes and Qs. Does that make sense?

  4. I love you see what you see and then share it with us. Then I get to see it too, and then all is revealed, I LOVE that x x x

  5. This reminds me of the connection that all living things have. The early development of a fish (or is it a pig?) that looks identical to a human fetus. We could have gills...or not. Who cares. It's all beautiful. Thanks for sharing this. XXOO

  6. Whoa. How did you even take this photo? :) Lovely.

  7. Poetic picture and we love the silky pillow poem. There's so much delight and wonder in this beautiful world giving us so much joy! D&M xxxx


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