29 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - X for X

When I am holed up
In a tiny space
Without access
To a garden of my own
I love to walk
In parks
And along rivers
Underneath tall trees
After the cockatoos
Have finished feasting
And sprinkled 
All their dinner left overs
On the ground
I collect them together
And secrete them 
Around my home
And as I move
Through my days
They feel like
Tiny kisses of love

28 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - W for Waiting

Who can identify
With the word 
‘Waiting’ right now?
Around the world
We are waiting
To see what is possible
If not probable
For this week 
And the next
Will we be able to drive
Or eat out
Or go to work?
Things we have 
Always taken for granted
All put on hold

But wait
What’s this?
A missive
From afar
Stating that life
Is already happening
While we are waiting!
Have we missed it?
Oh no!
Because this is our life
Like it or not
And as we yearn 
For something else
We have lost it
Wait no more.

27 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - V for Valiant

Here I sit
Late at night
Trying to find
Some words within
To fill a small poem
On the letter V
Only 5 days left
To finish our challenge
A to Z we said
And now regret
Our gung-ho commitment
At the start of the month
Champing at the bit
To have a go
And find some
Unusual poem topics
But now it feels
The well is dry
And all my ideas
Are about the virus
How many more poems
Can I write
About something
I really want to forget
But maybe once more
In our daily lives
And on the page
We will make a valiant effort
And carry on

25 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - U for Understand

In my life
I have found
People long
To be understood
To be seen and heard
By others
To feel their lives
And that they aren’t alone
In their big bad world

So now in this moment
Of world disintegration
And yet integration
We can turn
To each other
And be that which
We long for
By saying
I understand

24 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - T for Tiny

Has upended our lives
It seems all powerful
Throwing its weight around
Like a bully
And we are consumed
By the fear and changes
Around us
But maybe
To keep this all
In perspective
We can remember
It is just
A few strands of DNA
On an insignificant person
On a tiny planet
In a solar system
In the unfashionable end
Of the Milky Way

23 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - S for Schooling


It's a funny thing
My kids have learnt things
I never expected
In this time of quaratine

I call it
Pandemic learning

For example
Before corona virus
I could never instill
Judicious use
Of toilet paper
And we would use
One roll in two days
-- I despaired --
But now
Threatened with shortage
We have made a pack
Last two months!

Nothing quite like
Panic schooling

And what have I learned?
I sure have upped
My handwashing game
And I've discovered
I can trust
My kids will be provided
With just the lessons
They need
For them to really understand

Deep learning
Is my favourite

22 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - R for Release

My morning yoga
Takes place
Under a tree
And I watch
As leaves release
Without fuss
From their branch
And float gently
To the ground
They have no prior experience
Of the ground
No notion
Of how much
It could hurt
But as they stare
Day after day
At their potential end
Do they cry and scream
And gnash their teeth?
No, they do their jobs
Helping the tree to grow
And then when it’s time
They let go.
How graceful
And poetic 
Their journey seems
And how we could learn
From them
To leave our current state
In a similarly elegant way
And simply
Move on.

21 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - Q for Q

This time of quarantine
Is full of queer and 
Questionable tasks
A quilt of moments
Cobbled together
Quirky ways of working
Quick errands
Only essential trips
Or is that quintessential?
And can I find 
A bit of quiet
Or a quantum of solace?
Well I quit!

20 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - P for Poetry

Ah, poetry
That paper or screen
Where I can dump
My muddled, muddied mind
And have it crystallise
Into form, structure and beauty
I can breathe a breath
And make my way
Into daylight
Feeling that life
Will be alright

18 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - O for Om

Sitting cross legged
On the sand dune
The universe
And this moment
I look up
To see people
Disobeying the rules
Walking their dog
On the wrong part
Of the beach
At the wrong time
Of day
My hackles rise
I judge
Then I catch myself
And talk myself down
Telling myself
To get my nose
Out of others' business
That everything is perfect
It's not my place to criticise
Maybe there is a reason
They need to be there
Just at that time
Or they didn't see the sign
I can only live my life
And leave them to theirs'
So I drop my gaze
Back to my navel
And chant

16 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - N for Normal

Our lives have been 
In flux 
For all of this year
Even part of last year
As we decluttered
And renovated
And packed to move
Lived through the fires
And rented out our house
From underneath us
Moving ourselves
Into two caravan parks
In two cities
And commuting to meet
On the weekends
The upheaval
That affected 
The rest of the world
Has meant that
We now live
In the same city
In the same caravan park
Even in the same house!
It just goes to show
How much
We had disrupted our lives
That a pandemic lockdown
Could stabilise it.

14 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - L for Life


Today I feel 
Life has bowled me over
Like being dumped
By a wave I can’t see
And the air
I thought I could breathe
Is suddenly not there
I am drowning
In circumstances 
Not of my own making
—  a dead car battery
A broken hot water service —
But also things
I use to distract
— working out my skin undertone
Or writing poems —
My body is so contracted
I can’t digest food properly
I have aches in old injury sites
From petrified muscles
Sleep is scarce
Or invaded
— this morning my neighbour 
Excavates a concrete slab
From my bedside —
Everywhere I go lately
There are people
In all my withdrawal places
My home is so tiny
And I am about to move
Into a tinier one
I feel squeezed
To the bone
Ah — Life!

13 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - K for Killing with Kindness

Lately it seems 
The world has been 
On a suicide mission 
Bent on taking itself out 
We have all been 
Consuming ourselves 
To death 
Racing around manically 
Chasing our tails 
For a touch more 
Perceived security 
Or just grand standing. 

Now we are stationary 
People are hovering 
In place 
Everyone homeschooling 
Putting in gardens 
Buying chickens 
Learning new ways of 
Making do 
Maybe this virus 
Sent to kill us 
Has managed to reshape 
Our world In a few short weeks 
Maybe all this will stay 
And we will say 
It was a kindness 

11 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - J for Joy


Why do we spend our days
Trying to live a good life
Being happy
Being peaceful
Learning about ourselves
And society
If we can’t draw
On that strength gained
And lessons learned
In time of war
It is now time
To dig deep
And find those strengths
The peace
The joy
The love
And spread them wide

10 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - I for I

That slim 
Vertical line
My person
My being
My soul
That scanty
Minimal stroke

9 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - H for Happiness

Happiness is
My dog's face
After a swim
As she splashes
Her way to the shore
Spraying us with water
And slobber
Walking on the sand
A wave knocks me
Out of my
Stressful thoughts
And I laugh

Happiness is
Not dependant
On our circumstances
But on our thoughts
About them
Walking the beach
With my dog
Keeps my
Eye on that
Elemental moment
Tapping into
That basic happiness
Or base happy
We all hold true
At our core