28 November 2024

A to Z Advent poetry challenge - A

 Hello my friends!

I’ve decided to explore the advent period with another series of A-Z poetry, this time around the theme of Advent. I hope you enjoy them, they bring meaning to this time, and I manage to complete it! Ha!

This is Advent’s advent

What will we bring

To this preparation time?

I bring this potential series

Of A-Z poetry

Laying out my thoughts

About these four weeks

Of getting ready

For Christmas

Helping me stay focussed

On the wonder 

Not the rushing

To hopefully bring forth 

A sacred moment.



  1. That's a great idea! Wonder, not rushing, should be the focus for all holidays. Here's to 25 more!

  2. I do wonder about the rushing :). I suppose it should, at least, be a wander rather than a rush! Enjoy the journey:-). CB


If a topic has special significance for you, or touches you in some way, I'd love to hear your story!