23 February 2015

BeautyScope 204: Windswept

like water over reeds
or breeze through hair
wind ripples the palms


  1. beate @ bahnwaerterhaeuschen23 February 2015 at 01:25

    and this maybe on silk??

  2. I am trying to think of something clever to do with the flying fingertips at the top of these palms ...but it is not quite working! So I will just say your photo has captured the drama beautifully.

  3. Looking at this, from this perspective I feel like a tiny ant that lives in these tall, big tree-like things! :-D

  4. Yes! "I wonder what's happening all the way up there? I'll pack a bag and go and see. Have an adventure!" xo Jazzy Jack

  5. Isn't is just? Who would guess it is the same palm that gave the last three BeautyScopes! xo Jazzy Jack

  6. Wow! Yesterday, for some reason, I could not comment on your blog. It wouldn't let me. I am glad I am allowed to today. What a stunning photo! Things are looking different here-looks great! xoxo

  7. It looks like a painting! the tendrils seem to have been captured by an artists hand and also by camera x x x

  8. Sorry about that! I'm trying out Disqus to see if I like it. I want people to see the comments I make !
    Glad you like the blog redesign and the photo. xo JJ

  9. Wow! So poetic! It certainly does. I love it when people build on my imagery....thanks! xo Jazzy Jack


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