3 March 2019

What is enough?

Greetings my beloveds!

How do we know when we have had enough? What is our portion? 

This concept has been shadowing me, flitting in and out of my mind for a few weeks now. Oddly enough due to thinking about the concept of vulnerability and perfectionism.

I am aware that as a perfectionist I tend to delve deeply into things, crossing and recrossing my t's to make sure and doubly sure things are perfect.

This can set up enormous stress in my system, and so I am trying to explore this idea of 'enough'.

When I go to the beach and take photos of the waves, I tell myself ' that is enough' after a few minutes of trying to capture the perfect wave. 'Whatever you have in the camera is enough for today.' Whoa! What a concept!

It is really life changing to take the pressure off and allow yourself to let things slide a little.

When I travel I tend to take too many first aid items because 'just in case'. As if I can foresee every eventuality anyway. Maybe I can let go a teeny tiny bit and pack just the basics. This allows me to learn about living in vulnerability as well as giving me opportunities to be creative with solutions...which I love.

If you try to dot all the I's and cross all the T's you can live in a fake world where you are clinging to the hope of a false security. Then when things inevitably go belly up, you haven't developed coping skills to deal with them.

I have a strange dichotomy in my makeup, where I am a perfectionist wanting everything just so, at the same time as loving to go with the flow and be messy and creative. There is no way being 'just so' will ever lead to creation, so why do I chase it so?

Well, it all boils down to fear. Living in vulnerability is scary! But oh so rewarding.

And what of 'enough'? Do I have enough clothes? Do I have enough food?

Have I done enough learning with my kids? Have I said enough on this topic?


'Leave it for now and come back to it later. Let go a little and breathe.'

Living with space for creativity and gentleness.

That sounds like a plan!

Who's with me?


  1. Leave it for now and come back to it later. Let go a little and breathe

    Yes, yes, yes!! I think we're all guilty of striving for the impossible, I know I am.

    That photo of the bird is lovely. xxx

  2. me!
    once a design professor told us: "mut zur lücke" - good is good enough - mostly in life. and because we are talented perfectionists, we are much better in the beginning then all the others, so if we are a bit "lazy" we are still good enough ;-D
    love the photos of the ocean shore!

  3. Fear controls most people's lives. And, as you astutely note, the impulse toward perfectionism is usually based in fear. When I was young I was as scared as anyone but growing up I learned to shed fear. It's freeing to do so. After deliberately placing myself in dangerous situations (e.g., riding a motorcycle at 140 mph on a racetrack) and surviving, my confidence grew. This is a great post!

  4. We always love to hear your thoughts. As you know, D really understands from experience, that perfection is only reached in heaven. I've learned many things actually work quite well without being perfect!!! Good enough turns out fine. You gave us a taste of the beach in your photos....beautiful. love D&M xxxx

  5. I never thought of constantly striving for perfection being a fake life and you are right! And yes, to do with fear! Thank you for such an interesting insight- I genuinely never thought of that!


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