I have a new ring,
it is a tree of life as you can see.
I bought this today to remind myself to value my life, and celebrate my life, and think of life...not death.
A few days ago I had a mole removed from my back. It is currently at the lab being analysed. I don't get the good or bad news until Wednesday.
Living this week in this limbo, trying not to worry, is really eye opening.
I am aware of how much I take my life for granted, and whinge about minor things, and focus on negative issues which aren't really that important in the long scheme of things.
I am living with the thought that it is possible I might have a shorter life than I expected, and I have vowed to spend what time I have left in focusing on the positive and beautiful aspects of my life.
This week I am focusing on creating even more than usual, to keep some balance in my thoughts. To counteract the negative thoughts that want to creep in.
I'm hoping that next week I will have good news and I'll be grateful for this gift, of sitting in the hot seat, and seeing what I really value in my life, and what message I want to leave behind.
I have a statement of purpose I have written for my life:
I am a colourful influential outlier
Laying a beauty trail right across this world
Spark by precious spark
I hope the rest of my life however long will attest to that.
Something I didn't realise until afterwards, my ring is a tree, and my hubby is a Forester!
And deep inside, in the roots of the tree, is a heart :-)
'Til next time, keep creating,