30 June 2019

BeautyScope 453: Calling for rest

feeling restless
I wander my devices
scrolling app after app
calling for rest
but all the world
is ignoring me
so I keep scrolling
even louder
but no one hears
maybe I'm in the wrong place?


  1. give up scrolling - the rest will follin´....
    tomorrow i share some aussie memories!
    hugs! xxxxx

  2. It sounds like you are in the wrong place - switch off and embrace the here and now for a while. x

  3. Definitely in the wrong place! The world is a much better place!! I do realise that at times!!

  4. Yep, been there and done that too my Friend... wrong place, for now... but when you come back from real Rest, we'll all be here hanging in Cyberspace! Virtual Hugs.

  5. Your words and picture show the "World" you describe so well. We're not clever enough to do it! The contrast of the delicate flower with the rough surround is lovely. We love finding tiny flowers in the weedy grass on our walks. We found a pretty special one in Ballarat one March a while ago!! Love D&M xxxx


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