26 August 2014

BeautyScope 139: Textured wallpaper

shadowed building
graced by greatness
hourly sun-ray paintings


  1. An awesome picture! I like the blue...

  2. That must be some pretty impressive architecture there ... love all the shadows.

  3. It's amazing what light can paint ! Smooth, textured building framing the tracery of wonderful trees... a wow picture! D&M xxxx

  4. i wish they would build such cool modern architecture here! great how it plays with the light. in germany they´r fallen back in wilheminian style - modern technic with historical ruffles on the outside (like neuschwanstein). or they build just boring boxes....
    did you ever try to put together an outfit after the colors in one photo? we made this at artschool - not a outfit, but a mini collection from a artistic photo out of national geographic. interesting experience......


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