24 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - T for Tiny

Has upended our lives
It seems all powerful
Throwing its weight around
Like a bully
And we are consumed
By the fear and changes
Around us
But maybe
To keep this all
In perspective
We can remember
It is just
A few strands of DNA
On an insignificant person
On a tiny planet
In a solar system
In the unfashionable end
Of the Milky Way


  1. Smart perspective. Beautiful photograph. Life suddenly got odd but, in the big picture, not really. Disease has always been present; it just didn't affect modern life for most people. Now it is. And, later, it will again.

    1. Thanks Ally! We have been so blessed and didn't appreciate it. I wonder will we later on?
      xo Jazzy Jack

  2. Disease is indeed a constant, tho' Mercifully Pandemics only come around about once every Century to wipe a lot of us out! The Earth is getting a respite to renew herself tho' and I'm Grateful for that, Humanity not always being the best Stewards of this Amazing Planet we Share with all other transient Life!


If a topic has special significance for you, or touches you in some way, I'd love to hear your story!