5 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - D for Dread


I have autism
With executive functioning problems
Going to the Drs
Is hard work for my brain
There are all the germs
And all the procedures.
Because we are currently homeless
In another town
This time my visit
Is to a new Dr
With new procedures
And to top it off
There is the virus
Get procedures wrong
And you get fined
Or die!
Oh and I am taking
My two sons
One with OCD
And I have shortness of breath
Due to asthma
So no pressure!
I arrive with dread
Holding my breath
As I walk through the door
To save them from me.
I was met with smiles
Kind words
The nurse was a ninja
With the flushots
Chatting quietly
The Dr -who is Doc Martin-
Was relaxed and careful
Renewing my lost scripts
I put in a special
Unknown place
During the move.
I made it to the chemist
With minutes to spare
Before closing.
Had help
Following their new rules
And came out triumphant
With new asthma treatment.
I feel like I have sat an exam
And passed
And if we don't get the virus or flu
It will be an A!


  1. I'm glad you were able to have some Positive Experience during a difficult time... there really is a disturbance in the Force, isn't there, and some of us in tune with that delicate Balance are off kilter!

  2. I'm so glad you were able to get to the Doctor safely with your family. Where are you then, if not at home? Stay safe.x


If a topic has special significance for you, or touches you in some way, I'd love to hear your story!