28 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - W for Waiting

Who can identify
With the word 
‘Waiting’ right now?
Around the world
We are waiting
To see what is possible
If not probable
For this week 
And the next
Will we be able to drive
Or eat out
Or go to work?
Things we have 
Always taken for granted
All put on hold

But wait
What’s this?
A missive
From afar
Stating that life
Is already happening
While we are waiting!
Have we missed it?
Oh no!
Because this is our life
Like it or not
And as we yearn 
For something else
We have lost it
Wait no more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying not to Wait and to still find ways to Live in each Moment we have... different, and yet, still Life... which beats the alternative!


If a topic has special significance for you, or touches you in some way, I'd love to hear your story!