25 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - U for Understand

In my life
I have found
People long
To be understood
To be seen and heard
By others
To feel their lives
And that they aren’t alone
In their big bad world

So now in this moment
Of world disintegration
And yet integration
We can turn
To each other
And be that which
We long for
By saying
I understand


  1. I love this one! I am not as good at leaving comments as you are. Probably because it takes me a long time to figure out how I feel about anything and even if I know I like something I don't know why right away.

  2. That's OK! We don't all need to be verbal.
    Maybe all you need to say is "I like it "and leave it at that.
    Thanks for your reading and commenting :-)
    xo Jazzy Jack

  3. I particularly like this one... and our World disintegration and yet integration was such a Profound line!


If a topic has special significance for you, or touches you in some way, I'd love to hear your story!