23 April 2020

A to Z Writing Challenge - S for Schooling


It's a funny thing
My kids have learnt things
I never expected
In this time of quaratine

I call it
Pandemic learning

For example
Before corona virus
I could never instill
Judicious use
Of toilet paper
And we would use
One roll in two days
-- I despaired --
But now
Threatened with shortage
We have made a pack
Last two months!

Nothing quite like
Panic schooling

And what have I learned?
I sure have upped
My handwashing game
And I've discovered
I can trust
My kids will be provided
With just the lessons
They need
For them to really understand

Deep learning
Is my favourite


  1. Pandemic Learning has really been something Kids picked up on Naturally and in earnest, they being much more intelligent than most Adults give them credit for! We used to spin our TP Rolls like it was Wheel of Fortune and now we Ration it too, how Funny! As you can see I'm finally catching up on Blog Reading.


If a topic has special significance for you, or touches you in some way, I'd love to hear your story!